Do you need immediate help?

For emergencies requiring immediate law enforcement, fire, or medical assistance, call 911.

If you are experiencing a mental health, substance use, or suicidal crises, call 988. Available 24/7.


Hope and opportunity in over 40 languages.

ACRS promotes social justice and the well-being and empowerment of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders and other underserved communities – including immigrants, refugees, and American-born – by developing, providing and advocating for innovative, effective and efficient community-based multilingual and multicultural services.

ACRS services are available by appointment only.  Before coming to ACRS, please schedule an appointment with a counselor, case manager or staff member in advance.  New referrals or walk-ins can check in with front desk staff, who will refer them to the appropriate ACRS staff.  For questions, please call the ACRS main line at 206-695-7600 or email

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