2022 Asian & Pacific Islander Legislative Days
Join us on February 2-3, 2022 for 2022 A&PI Legislative Days, where we engage our state legislators and work together to build and uplift the power of Asian and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander communities. Asian and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islanders now comprise over 12% of the Washington state’s population, and the Asian population is projected to triple nationwide. Following last year’s successful first-ever virtual A&PI Legislative Week, we’d love for you to be a part of A&PI Legislative Days again, whether through spreading the word, recruiting your community members, leading lobby meetings or helping with planning.
Preview the Legislative Agenda, APIC’s legislative priorities we’ll be lobbying for during A&PI Legislative Day and throughout the legislative session. The most updated version with bill numbers and additions can be found here: https://tinyurl.com/ysy5efze
Key dates and links:
- A&PI Legislative Days, February 2-3: APIC’s annual lobby days to mobilize Asian and Pacific Islanders from around the state to meet with our state legislators and advocate for issues impacting our communities. Register here: https://forms.gle/zML829GqT5iXdQSx7
- A&PI Legislative Community Briefing, January 19: An informal event with community members to learn about APIC’s legislative agenda and our top priorities for the 2022 legislative session. Representatives from various community organizations and coalitions will participate. Community members and partners will have the opportunity to offer feedback on APIC’s legislative agenda. Register here: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0ud-ChqTMtHdVKeZeAWqDZSpeSpmjfViSY
- Lobby Training, January 25 and 26: Prior to A&PI Legislative Days, we will offer two lobby training sessions where participants learn the basics of lobbying, talking points for legislative priorities, and have the opportunity to practice lobbying with other legislative days participants. Register for the 1/25 training here or the 1/26 training here.
For questions or more information, email Policy and Civic Engagement Director Shomya Tripathy at shomyat@acrs.org or apicwa@gmail.com.
Civic Engagement Program

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